

Mississippian period is from Carboniferous Era and Paleozoic Eon. It has about 359- 318 Million years ago. It has three epochs. In younger to older, Tournaisian, Visean,then Serpukhovian.
In Mississippian:

  • There are many plants and vertebrate was started born of land. 
  • Trilobite died of these period.
  • Lands area was increase and became warm and moist.

Two interesting fact of this period:

  1. Mississippian is named of Mississippi river. Because scientist almost found fossils of these rock layers.
  2. On Serpukhovian, terrestrial plants became the main life.
Other information:


    About the Stars

    What is a star?

             Stars are large balls of hot gas. They also away our many and many light years. They almost are bigger and brighter than the Sun. A star is made of in giant clouds of dust and gas called stellar nebula. As the star become smaller and hotter, nuclear reactions start in the middle, and the star will be born.
    The four type of stars
             Stars have many characteristics, luminosity is the stars brightness between 0.0001(Dim) to 1,000,000(Bright). Different zone of the stars have the different color, like red orange, yellow, white and  blue,etc. The stars big size or smal sizeThe stars temperature are cooler or hotter between
    2,000°C to 30,000°C. Spectral class is a letter tells the temperature of stars.
             Scientists grouped 4 types of their size, temperature and luminosity. The four types of stars named White Dwarfs, Main Sequence Stars, Supergiants and Giants. White Dwarfs are the oldest stars.They color also is white. They are the dimest but the third hotter stars(7,500°C-10,000°C). They almost is the small stars.Main Sequence Stars are the many stars gather like a large slash. They color, liminosity, mass and color is not sure because they have many stars and different.Supergiants are the middle age stars. They are the brightest but temperature is not sure(2,000°C-10,000°C). They color also is yellow, orange and red. They almost is the biggest stars.Giants are the middle age stars. They are the bright and cold star(3,000°C-7,000°C).They color also is red.
    H-R Diagram
             H-R diagram is agraphical tool to classify stars according to their luminosity, spectral class, color, temperture and evolutionary stage.
    Nuclear Fusion
             Nuclear Fusion is the process about a star change two hydrogen gas molecules into helium molecule.
             Nuclear Fusion create energy of stars.
    The life of stars
             All stars is made of a giant cloud,it has gases and dust. Called Stellar Nebula. It can made the three type of star.
             First is Sun-Like Star, it is the yellow and the small stars, than,in its middle age, it will start to become a red giant, a red small star. Than, they will become a planetary nebula, a cloud  dust and gases. And together again, become a white dwarf. In the white dwarf finally, it will start to become a cold, dark object. Called Black Dwarf.
             Next is Huge Star, it same of Sun-Like Star is the yellow stars, but bigger than they, than, it will start to become a red super giant, a red star, but bigger red giant. Then, the red super giant burst, called Supernova. After that, it will became a small, very fast star. Called Neutron Star.
             Last is Giant Star, it is a blue, and very big star, than, it will start to become a red super giant, a red and big stars. Then, the red super giant burst, called Supernova. After that, it will became a hole that can sucking everything around it in to nowhere. Called Black Hole.



    This planet Order 5th from the Sun.
    Distance From the Sun 816,520,800 km.
    Its mass is 1898.7x10^27 kg.
    Its diameter is 14,2984 km.
    Rotation(go one time around its axis) : 9 hours 55 minutes
    Revolution(go one time around its of sun) : 11.87 years
    It has 63 moons, the four moons is mainly.
    It is Jovian, almost is gas to became this planet.
    It is the largest planet of solar system.
    It has planetary ring. But it doesn't like Saturn ring shining.
    It has 4 mainly moons named Ganymede, Callisto, Lo, and Europa.
    It has 318 earth masses.
    It has one spot we can easy to find, it is call the great red spot.
    It is anticyclone. It working of Jupiter over 350 years
    Only great red spot has 3 earth masses.
    Left to right,Ganymede, Callisto, Lo, and Europa.
    The great red spot and Earth.


    Hurricane Irene Project

    1.What is a hurricane?
    Hurricane is a large relating strong winds and rains.
    2.What is high tide and what causes it?
    High tide is the sea level increases, it cause of the earth, moon and sun at the right angle or straight line. The moon resolving the earth.
    3.What does saturation (zone) mean?
    Saturation zone is the bottom, or drop of the soil can absorb of the groundwater.
    Saturation zone is almost has filled pore of them zone.
    4.What is flooding and why is it dangerous?
    Flooding is heavy rains, when rivers overflow, ocean waves came and onshore or snow melts fast, dams, and leaves, it would affects. It is dangerous because it can result human dead of overflow and breaking building.

    1.What is something that you liked about this Mini-Project?
    In this project, I am learning more about hurricane, like where can produce hurricane, what effects of hurricane. It is good project to display and learn what our know.
    2.What was difficult for you on this project?
    Before this project, I don't know some earth happen, tide and hurriane, this two I am never know before I learn of this project.