This planet Order 5th from the Sun.
Distance From the Sun 816,520,800 km.
Its mass is 1898.7x10^27 kg.
Its diameter is 14,2984 km.
Rotation(go one time around its axis) : 9 hours 55 minutes
Revolution(go one time around its of sun) : 11.87 years
It has 63 moons, the four moons is mainly.
It is Jovian, almost is gas to became this planet.
It is the largest planet of solar system.
It has planetary ring. But it doesn't like Saturn ring shining.
It has 4 mainly moons named Ganymede, Callisto, Lo, and Europa.
It has 318 earth masses.
It has one spot we can easy to find, it is call the great red spot.
It is anticyclone. It working of Jupiter over 350 years
Only great red spot has 3 earth masses.
Left to right,Ganymede, Callisto, Lo, and Europa.
The great red spot and Earth.